
I tend to think that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bill Murray are diametrical cinematic opposites of each other…like…just imagine Bill has just broken into a gun store and has to pick up a load of weapons for the final battle…the thought that will first cross his mind will surely be ‘why I am here?’…contrary to the ‘I know what I want’ Arnold…as this is an Arnold-Arnold situation where after showing the elaborate action of the first gun being picked, you just have to keep on cutting to the hand picking one gun after another with rising pace. We know that Arnold does this film after film and we never get tired.


Now let’s imagine Arnold in a Bill situation (oops…is there any such thing as a Bill situation?). Anyways…lets try…lets say that Arnold has a son and he doesn’t know who that guy is and he happen to meet a guy whom he suspects to be his son. In  the given situation, the million dollar question will be like…what will Arnold do in order to find the truth…we all know Bill and how he handles (or mis-handles) stuff like this but with Arnold the truth will be much simpler to squeeze…how? Hang the guy upside down from what seems like 500 floors or a cliff 2 feet higher than Mount Everest…the truth will be out there…screaming…


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